Coming out of the closet

Ok, I admit it.  I am.  I’ve been one for a long time.  There, I’ve said it and I’m glad.  Enough hiding behind a false front.

I’m a Democrat.  I know, you’re shocked.  But I refuse to be ashamed anymore.  I refuse to avoid debating the point with friends, relatives, even strangers.

The guy at the Farmers Market was the last straw.  Sweetie and I went there on Sunday to buy something for breakfast.  I always find the market an interesting place, full of bright colors, lots of noise and people I know.  Sometimes though, this organic thing can be taken a bit too far.  Like when you want something for breakfast.  Sure there’s bread but I don’t want bread for breakfast.  I want stuff that’s really bad for you…like bacon, sausage and greasy fried potatoes.

Anyway, back to the guy at the market.  About the only thing that came close to breakfast food was a stall full of apples.  I know, apples are a stretch for breakfast but hey, anything in an emergency.  So, Sweetie began to put a few in a bag while the Apple Guy behind the table helped other organic food zealots.

As usual, I was wearing my Obama button.  The big one with the spotlight focused on it.  The Apple Guy seemed friendly enough until he spied the button.  “What’s that funny looking thing on your chest?  You really going to vote for that guy?  Obama/Biden…sounds like a bunch of foreigners.”

Now I’m usually pretty glib but at that moment I was at a loss for words.  I mumbled something inane and briefly considered taking the apples from Sweetie and dumping them back on the table.  But no, we dutifully paid for them and walked away.  I’m sure I made the Apple Guy’s day.

The fun was gone.  The market was no longer bright.  I wandered around but my heart wasn’t in it anymore. I thought about the things I could have said to the Apple Guy…

I coulda said, no, that button has the names of the next president and vice president of the United States.  You know, the country that your chosen party has screwed up for nearly eight years.

I coulda said, no, that button has the names of the people who will restore honesty and openness to government, something that your chosen party has ignored for nearly eight years.

I coulda said, no, that button has the name of the man who will put a stop to the loading of the Supreme Court with people who want to move us away from protecting the rights of all Americans.

I coulda said, no, that button has the names of the people who will bring healthcare to those forty million who are denied it.

I coulda said, no, that button has the name of the man who believes it’s better to speak with those who disagree with us before threatening them.

I coulda said, no, that button has the names of those who will put an end to that awful, wasteful and ill begotten war in Iraq.

I coulda said, no, that button has the names of those who believe it’s time for the wealthy to pitch in to reduce the deficit and provide the money to free our grandchildren from the spectre of crushing debt.

I coulda said, no, that button has the name of the person who believes it’s better to run a campaign on the issues rather than lie, mislead and frighten the public about the other guy.

I coulda said, no, that button has the name of the person who brings hope to America.

I coulda said that, but I didn’t.  Next time, I’m coming out of the closet.


7 responses to “Coming out of the closet”

  1. You ‘coulda said’ all that. You’re right. But, the thing is, it isn’t necessary. The majority of our American brothers and sisters will say it for you. Next week.

    And then you can go back for some more apples. I’ll bet they will taste just dandy.

    Rabbi Yossi

    Oh…and Mr. Schneider: we all have our own closets to come out of. That’s the beauty of life…opening all those locked doors. And it always feels good (sorry for speaking for you, Fred).


  2. I’m thinking the same thing as the Rabbi. There are several columnists here, in Chicago, who are for Obama, but are hedging, saying that there is a chance he’ll be defeted. And I keep thinking they feel the need to say it, just in case, then they’ll be able to be right in both instances. Right, if they voted Democrat and they win and right if the “other” party wins and they even hinted that that might happen.
    Wish I could go to the “hottest ticket in town” next Tues. in Grant Park, but I’ll be celebrating out of the city of the next President of the United States.


  3. My first thought was, maybe he was joking with you Fred, are you sure? I agree with all you coulda said, and empathize with that awful feeling of wanting to say something in response but it won’t come out. The apple guy will be there next Sunday, November 2 – two days before the election. I’d love it if you’d go back, speak with hiom, and then write part 2 of this story.


  4. well i would have dumped the apples back on his table…not because he would vote for the old guy and the snow queen but because it’s a foolish business man who insults his customers…especially as a greeting…then i might have said i guess freedom,privacy,equality,liberty and happiness are things you must despise…you would rather your grandchildren live in a world of fear,oppression,slavery and constant war…well sir ive never been impressed by the uninformed sleeping folks anyway…good luck if your rotten apples get elected…have a nice day


  5. I agree with Tomas. It seems implausible that anyone could say that to a customer, and in Ojai, of all places! Unless he’s terribly stupid he had to be joking. Would love to hear part 2 of this story.


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